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Currently reading

Vengeful in Love
Nadia Lee
Progress: 10 %
The Submission
Amy Waldman
Roadside Crosses: A Kathryn Dance Novel (Kathryn Dance Novels)
Jeffery Deaver
I am Jewish: Personal Reflections Inspired by the Last Words of Daniel Pearl
Judea Pearl, Ruth Pearl
The Time Traveler's Wife
Audrey Niffenegger
Twisted Creek - Jodi Thomas What a wonderful book. I admit to being unhappy when I realized it was in first person (not my favorite), but it worked. And everything in 1st person was from Allie's perspective. Everything from Luke's POV was in 3rd person. Such a great way to present the story. I loved how Allie slowly got her dreams back, and how the Nesters grew to become a family. Wonderful.